1924us Field Gown

from USD 170.00

This was first thought out to be a robe / over layer but I couldn’t help to think practically, it would be so beautiful as a dress!! So you can really wear it either way, and again this was designed with comfort and freedom of movement in mind. It’s perfect for home / garden / lounge wear or styling up as a statement piece.

Colour Options -

Natural Linen

Charcoal - (heavier linen)

Barn Red

Speckled Hickory - (heavier linen)

Details - 100% Belgian Linen. Brass buttons. weighted / split hem for dress movement and fall, large draping sleeves.

Fit - the Dress is an oversize fit & one size fits All ( XS - XL) 😊

Dimensions -

Length - 48 inches

Width - 60 inches

sleeve length - 18 inches

Designed entirely in Australia using heritage sourced pieces by the 1924us studio.
Ethically Made by our friends in Zhejiang - Read more about our process here!

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This was first thought out to be a robe / over layer but I couldn’t help to think practically, it would be so beautiful as a dress!! So you can really wear it either way, and again this was designed with comfort and freedom of movement in mind. It’s perfect for home / garden / lounge wear or styling up as a statement piece.

Colour Options -

Natural Linen

Charcoal - (heavier linen)

Barn Red

Speckled Hickory - (heavier linen)

Details - 100% Belgian Linen. Brass buttons. weighted / split hem for dress movement and fall, large draping sleeves.

Fit - the Dress is an oversize fit & one size fits All ( XS - XL) 😊

Dimensions -

Length - 48 inches

Width - 60 inches

sleeve length - 18 inches

Designed entirely in Australia using heritage sourced pieces by the 1924us studio.
Ethically Made by our friends in Zhejiang - Read more about our process here!

This was first thought out to be a robe / over layer but I couldn’t help to think practically, it would be so beautiful as a dress!! So you can really wear it either way, and again this was designed with comfort and freedom of movement in mind. It’s perfect for home / garden / lounge wear or styling up as a statement piece.

Colour Options -

Natural Linen

Charcoal - (heavier linen)

Barn Red

Speckled Hickory - (heavier linen)

Details - 100% Belgian Linen. Brass buttons. weighted / split hem for dress movement and fall, large draping sleeves.

Fit - the Dress is an oversize fit & one size fits All ( XS - XL) 😊

Dimensions -

Length - 48 inches

Width - 60 inches

sleeve length - 18 inches

Designed entirely in Australia using heritage sourced pieces by the 1924us studio.
Ethically Made by our friends in Zhejiang - Read more about our process here!

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